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Bio-Resonance Test

The principles of Quantum Entropy Logic-NLS developed by modern-day Russian scientists reveal that biological structures have a bioenergy field that includes magnetic vortex oscillations recorded on a matrix. Pathological biological processes have associated unstable magnetic vortex states (meta states). These same Russian scientists developed the technology to isolate and record the unstable magnetic vortex states associated with the corresponding biological processes.  

The NLS device is the most advanced Resonance spectroscopy analysis, Quantum resonance analysis, Acoustic resonance analysis, Tomography scanning available today. People have utilized this knowledge for thousands of years in the ancient disciplines of the Yoga-Chakra traditions, the Chinese Medicine traditions, and others. 
Assessment of the body is due to resonant amplification of the magnetic vortex states.

Each organ has a specific, frequency range of magnetic vortex states, which are displayed in chart form. Any biological process, whether healthy or pathological, has very specific magnetic vortex oscillations. These are stored in the computer memory and take into account the severity, age, gender, and other characteristics of the subjects. 
The NLS device technology is classified as biofeedback technology. Data is collected by resonance amplification of the magnetic vortex states of the entire biofield matrix by using trigger sensors. By using a computer-driven instrument in a safe, noninvasive, painless, and effective way, information about the entire biofield matrix is displayed down to the level of the chromosome biofield.

Dr Nayana thenuwara
B.A.M.S.CSJMU [India] - B.Sc. ANBU [USA] - Nutritionist AAPM [USA] - CPC [USA] - FAAM [USA] - Bio-Resonance Practitioner & CEO/Director [Serendib Holistic Centre]